Inflation Manual

The first rule of ballooning is safety. Please read the Inflation Manual in full.

Model Balloon Inflation Manual
Step#1- Envelope Set Up: Roll out the balloon envelope making sure that the ground surface is clear of any sharp objects. You will need a large open space with 250 - 500 square feet to work with. Position the envelope down wind. A tarp helps with keeping the balloon clean and protected.
Step#2- Burner System Test: We test the burner system to make sure it is working properly before flight. To do this, first check to make sure all valves are closed. Then position the gondola so that the single propane tank is on your right hand side. This right hand tank powers your vapor pilot lights. Once this is done, it is necessary to have two propane tanks screwed into the dual manifold in the gondola on your left hand side which is your main burner fuel supply. Screw in the left two main tanks with the threads down until tight. Once connected you will check for leaks by opening the two valves that are attached to the tanks all the way open while being aware of any hissing and/ or propane smell (which might indicate a leak). Next, turn the valve connected to the pilot light tank on your right hand side counter clockwise 1/4 turn; you should now hear a hissing sound. At this time use your igniter or striker tool to light the pilot lights. If done right you will hear a slight change in sound and see a slightly visible
1 1/2 in. blue flame emitting from both pilots.
From here you can test the radio control transmitter. To do this, turn on the RC receiver in the balloon gondola first and turn on the radio controlled transmitter second. Give a slight push to the right hand joy stick on the transmitter which will emit a flame from the burner. This flame can range from one to four feet in length depending on how far up the joy stick is pushed. If the flame emits from the burner while slightly pressing the joy stick on the transmitter, then the burner system test is complete.
After the burner system test is complete, turn off the pilot light tank valve which will turn off the polite lights. Then Turn off the two main propane tank valves so that everything is off. Also turn off the RC receiver and transmitter.
Step#3- Attach Balloon Envelope: The next step is to attach the gondola to the balloon envelope. This consists of connecting the carabiners attached to the load lines of the envelope to the corresponding D rings on the gondola. If flying with a scoop, make sure the scoop is positioned down closest on the ground. Now attach the tether line to the tether harness.
Step#4- Inflation: You will want a fan of some sort, either electric or gas powered will work fine. Having one or two people hold open the mouth of the balloon you will send ambient air into the balloon until it reaches approximately 3/4 capacity
Step#5- Flight: Repeat Step#2 instructions for burner operation for inflation. Once the main tanks and pilot lights are on. Hold the burner frame so it is pointed toward the center of the balloon keeping the radio system off for now. Open the blast valve manually by turning the servo located on the burner frame clockwise triggering short blasts of heat till the balloon stands and is upright. Once the balloon is stable and upright the radio gear can be turned on by turning on the receiver switch in the gondola first and the radio transmitter to on second. Then you are ready to burn with the right hand joystick on the radio. With short blasts of heat, and time off the burner, the balloon will rise and descend accordingly. * Remember to always keep the balloon teathered.
Step#6- Fuel Replacement: To replace empty tanks during flight, you must first land the balloon. Turn off all three tanks (pilot light and two main tanks) while the balloon is standing up. Unscrew the 2 main tanks and replace with two full tanks according to installation. Repeat Step#2 for re-ignition and continued flight. * Always turn off pilot lights while changing tanks.